2024: Anastasia

Based on the beloved 1997 animated film, Anastasia follows the journey of Anya, a young woman with amnesia who embarks on a quest to uncover her true identity. With the help of two charming conmen and pursued by a ruthless Soviet officer determined to silence her, Anya sets out to prove that she is the long-lost Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov, the sole surviving member of the Russian royal family. Anastasia is the spectacular, spellbinding Broadway musical about discovering who you are and defining who you’re meant to be. Filled with mystery, romance, and adventure, it reminds us that the most extraordinary journey is the one we take to find ourselves.

North’s production featured a cast, crew, and orchestra of over 100 students, as well an opulent set featuring stunning state-of-the-art projections, dazzling costumes, jaw-dropping dance sequences, and a soaring score including the song favorites from the hit animated film, “Journey to the Past” and “Once Upon a December.”

North Theatre director Ron Parker stated, “We are so excited to be able to share this popular and poignant musical with our community! Anastasia has all the elements that make musical theatre such a powerful medium: a thrilling story, unforgettable characters, gorgeous music, hilarious comedy, nail-biting drama, eye-popping spectacle and a meaningful, moving message. It’s a true theatrical adventure for the whole family!”

CLICK HERE for the Facebook album of Anastasia photos


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